A Digital Marketing Case Study
The Shoreline Immigration Law firm hired us to implement a complete digital marketing package for the firm. We built and hosted a brand new website, ran SEO sprint campaigns, and implemented automated paid apportionment bookings. Here are the details:
- Ran 10 SEO sprint campaigns, each lasting 2 months
- Published 20 blog articles for each SEO sprint
- Published a total of 100 blog articles
In the case study below, we analyzed data for 10 months, which was the second half of the SEO campaign.
Executed 5 SEO sprints that lasted 60 days each
Tracked page rankings, visitors, impressions, and bookings to validate our SEO plan
Bi-weekly reports generated for the client to show progess

- 10
Months Of
Data - +620.7%
Increase in Visitors
- 268
Booked Paid Appointments
The Raw Data : Month By Month

How We Executed Our SEO Strategy
When you build a brand new website, you have to start publishing content inorder to grow traffic organically. In the image to the right, you can see that Google did not start showing the website content in the search engine from April 2022 to September 2022. This is typical for a brand new website. Google wants you to work on your site’s content so it can start to understand what your business is all about. By the end of the SEO campaign, the site was generating about 35,000 impressions per day!
Date | Visitors | Page Views | Paid Appointment Booked |
11-30-2022 | 7,027 | 13,244 | 13 |
12-31-2022 | 10,657 | 20,874 | 14 |
01-31-2023 | 17,424 | 36,519 | 33 |
02-28-2023 | 16,143 | 31,094 | 27 |
03-31-2023 | 21,300 | 40,806 | 36 |
04-30-2023 | 29,359 | 54,558 | 39 |
05-31-2023 | 7,027 | 73,257 | 28 |
06-30-2023 | 36,906 | 71,743 | 22 |
11-30-2022 | 7,027 | 13,244 | 13 |
07-31-2023 | 43,791 | 83,860 | 23 |
08-31-2023 | 48,055 | 90,894 | 33 |
The Results Of Our SEO Campaign
It took six months for the team’s hard work to start paying off. Today, Shoreline Immigration is generating almost 50,000 visitors per month and the firm is booked with new paid consultations ever single week. We continue to post new blogs every week, and have even started translating the website into Spanish.